8:05 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Aye aye aye.
I don't know what my issue is lately. But I am annoying myself with the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I want. It's not really like me. And what a drag.
I chopped all my hair off today. Not really sure how I feel about it yet, it's....quite short. Shorter than it has been in...forever. Yikes.
I took a nap from 440-740 today. Um, hopefully I can still sleep tonight. I am currently filling in for Sherrie a lot at work because of the crazy girl that quit (thankgod!) and working twice a week babysitting for Michelle. So I...at the very least don't have a day off for the rest of the month. Which is okay by me, because it's money but maintaining a social life can get a tad difficult. Michelle asked me to go on a short vacation with them to the white mountains, I'm excited, her kids are so well behaved, and they love me and i love them so it works out quite well! =)
Mark and this long distance thing is kicking my ass, the fact that he is working nights right now, I don't think we ever talk. And um...that gets old quickly. BLAH.
For Bobbys (Marions boyfriend) birthday, we went to six flags and I went on this amazing ride thing, called the blitz i think. 200mph, 225 feet, 8seconds. was amazing. I neeeeeeed to go skydiving now. And really I need to own a boat. I would be the happiest ever to just...live on a boat. Ugh. Dreamin.
This is sporadic. I have amazing friends. And I love life. Only a few minor details, okay a lot, that need to fall into place. =)
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