Forward march.

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Ah I had a moment of reflection today, it was just a moment. May have been a tear or two. But not really sad per say, I'm not sad about what happened, I'm just sad about what could have been. I guess? I am thankful that it's all turned out the way that it has. I seem to have found a happiness that I haven't had in a while.

It's so strange to me though, two months ago, I thought I would never be over Nate, I was seriously convinced that I would be ruined without him. Everyone told me that I would get over it and I knew I would. But, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would let another boy come close to me. I guess you could say I have come much further than I imagined, or something of the sort. Everything happens for a reason, thank God(?).

The first week in June I get to spend at the lakehouse. My family's camp that I have never missed a summer at, until last year. This year will make up for it. I also booked plane tickets to San Diego for the first week in July [eeep!] . And neither of these things can come fast enough.

I'm just happy. I'm totally okay with everything that's going on in life, I'm slightly confused because I don't know what I can attribute this happiness to, one thing? two things? a bunch of things? Either way, I'm not mad.

Hopefully we can ride this good things train for a little while longer, I'm not even tryin' to get off.
